Studio Updates

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A Birthday in Denver.


Thirty Six.

My birthday this year was filled with more than just photography, though I never travel without a camera.  I was fortunate enough that my brother was to be playing at one of the most iconic music venues that Denver, and even this fine country, has to offer.  Red Rocks Amphitheater.  As such, I was given special access to capture some of the photos you see here.


While there, I also had the unique pleasure of capturing not one, but TWO engagements.  I saw both from across the way and asked the couples if I could snap a few photos, for free, and deliver them for them to have, and rememember, forever.

Beyond that, it was my goal to be one with nature; to see part of a beautiful state that I had yet to have ever visited, and I believe my friends and I succeeded.  It was a successful birthday, and I can't wait to go back and see more of that incredible countryside someday.


- Jon

Jonathon Abdul